all postcodes in NR32 / LOWESTOFT

find any address or company within the NR32 postcode district

Postcode Area

NR / Norwich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NR32 1PL 7 52.480232 1.752721
NR32 1PN 0 52.480447 1.752179
NR32 1PP 1 52.478872 1.751927
NR32 1PQ 0 52.481337 1.753345
NR32 1PS 1 52.480082 1.753453
NR32 1PT 1 52.479632 1.752935
NR32 1PU 1 52.479759 1.754021
NR32 1PW 1 52.478626 1.752304
NR32 1PX 1 52.480886 1.755348
NR32 1PY 24 0 52.480692 1.754086
NR32 1QA 14 8 52.480229 1.755092
NR32 1QB 4 0 52.481066 1.754221
NR32 1QE 21 4 52.481882 1.752876
NR32 1QH 54 0 52.482397 1.753362
NR32 1QJ 36 0 52.482397 1.753362
NR32 1QP 2 1 52.475456 1.749877
NR32 1QR 1 1 52.47599 1.750636
NR32 1QS 2 2 52.476686 1.750497
NR32 1QZ 1 1 52.480054 1.751541
NR32 1RB 2 0 52.477832 1.750683