all postcodes in OX29 / WITNEY

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Postcode Area

OX / Oxford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
OX29 8EH 32 0 51.853719 -1.425993
OX29 8EJ 29 0 51.85271 -1.425541
OX29 8EN 1 0 51.857206 -1.404442
OX29 8EP 14 0 51.85619 -1.427602
OX29 8EQ 25 0 51.853355 -1.426956
OX29 8ER 3 0 51.842334 -1.420576
OX29 8ES 1 0 51.844747 -1.409878
OX29 8ET 11 9 51.832689 -1.397323
OX29 8EU 31 0 51.853141 -1.427408
OX29 8EW 1 0 51.852314 -1.403783
OX29 8EX 1 0 51.852796 -1.434106
OX29 8EZ 15 0 51.854216 -1.428469
OX29 8HA 5 1 51.855426 -1.428089
OX29 8HB 13 2 51.856968 -1.427169
OX29 8HD 19 0 51.814896 -1.402681
OX29 8HE 1 0 51.823495 -1.40499
OX29 8HF 1 1 51.822992 -1.408769
OX29 8HG 2 0 51.822221 -1.409734
OX29 8HH 20 0 51.820015 -1.408547
OX29 8HJ 26 0 51.820858 -1.408072