all postcodes in OX29 / WITNEY

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Postcode Area

OX / Oxford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
OX29 8JP 32 0 51.821795 -1.397932
OX29 8JQ 59 0 51.821251 -1.391672
OX29 8JR 31 0 51.822663 -1.398777
OX29 8JS 6 0 51.82362 -1.397864
OX29 8JT 36 0 51.823223 -1.395882
OX29 8JU 15 0 51.826864 -1.381932
OX29 8JW 2 0 51.821978 -1.397216
OX29 8JX 44 2 51.825168 -1.385888
OX29 8JY 39 2 51.82505 -1.38409
OX29 8JZ 17 0 51.825322 -1.379298
OX29 8LA 22 6 51.825409 -1.372027
OX29 8LB 1 0 51.828174 -1.367853
OX29 8LD 1 0 51.826256 -1.367242
OX29 8LH 18 14 51.825705 -1.368497
OX29 8LJ 9 7 51.824669 -1.369745
OX29 8LN 13 12 51.824189 -1.369157
OX29 8LP 8 1 51.825154 -1.395883
OX29 8LQ 1 1 51.825414 -1.36959
OX29 8LR 1 1 51.824765 -1.367669
OX29 8LS 5 0 51.856561 -1.426276