all postcodes in OX29 / WITNEY

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Postcode Area

OX / Oxford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
OX29 8LT 5 0 51.826167 -1.396583
OX29 8LW 2 0 51.819544 -1.366393
OX29 8NA 41 1 51.841791 -1.397927
OX29 8NB 3 1 51.8366 -1.389068
OX29 8ND 1 0 51.838934 -1.382667
OX29 8NF 12 0 51.836343 -1.380598
OX29 8NG 2 0 51.840008 -1.401388
OX29 8NH 9 0 51.837855 -1.405352
OX29 8NJ 1 0 51.832895 -1.409496
OX29 8NL 1 0 51.838823 -1.404745
OX29 8NN 2 0 51.839187 -1.404389
OX29 8NP 13 0 51.839126 -1.405989
OX29 8PG 18 0 51.84065 -1.405662
OX29 8NQ 26 1 51.839498 -1.403081
OX29 8NS 5 0 51.839405 -1.404243
OX29 8NT 8 1 51.840354 -1.403476
OX29 8NU 17 0 51.84073 -1.404879
OX29 8NW 1 0 51.838305 -1.407219
OX29 8NX 23 0 51.843173 -1.40319
OX29 8NY 4 0 51.839876 -1.404847