all postcodes in PL15 / LAUNCESTON

find any address or company within the PL15 postcode district

Postcode Area

PL / Plymouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PL15 9RU 12 0 50.688085 -4.30652
PL15 9RY 8 0 50.68252 -4.306344
PL15 9RW 2 0 50.693154 -4.35749
PL15 9RX 3 0 50.692236 -4.287507
PL15 9SA 15 1 50.686891 -4.322614
PL15 9SB 4 0 50.683941 -4.323544
PL15 9SD 18 1 50.690004 -4.321297
PL15 9SE 10 0 50.695694 -4.320133
PL15 9SF 8 0 50.696087 -4.341761
PL15 9SG 10 2 50.714109 -4.330294
PL15 9SH 14 0 50.686908 -4.321341
PL15 9SJ 10 0 50.689135 -4.320601
PL15 9SL 27 0 50.673063 -4.298351
PL15 9SN 8 0 50.678661 -4.283506
PL15 9SP 27 1 50.648065 -4.349036
PL15 9SQ 20 0 50.70684 -4.323076
PL15 9SR 4 0 50.659529 -4.346492
PL15 9SS 20 0 50.660017 -4.332522
PL15 9ST 9 1 50.673928 -4.325456
PL15 9SU 4 0 50.686261 -4.332083