all postcodes in PL15 / LAUNCESTON

find any address or company within the PL15 postcode district

Postcode Area

PL / Plymouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PL15 9JG 1 0 50.632758 -4.364038
PL15 9JH 6 0 50.629226 -4.360354
PL15 9JJ 3 0 50.629154 -4.360802
PL15 9JP 5 0 50.628087 -4.340599
PL15 9JQ 27 1 50.631142 -4.362118
PL15 9JR 2 2 50.629472 -4.358913
PL15 9JS 32 0 50.63013 -4.345455
PL15 9JT 32 0 50.629929 -4.344721
PL15 9JX 9 0 50.628796 -4.346022
PL15 9JY 37 0 50.628301 -4.344682
PL15 9JZ 9 0 50.628523 -4.343972
PL15 9LA 16 0 50.635944 -4.351964
PL15 9LB 1 0 50.635655 -4.349319
PL15 9LD 4 1 50.634852 -4.345461
PL15 9LE 9 0 50.631134 -4.35365
PL15 9LF 10 0 50.629559 -4.348775
PL15 9LG 6 1 50.625857 -4.337437
PL15 9LH 11 1 50.627511 -4.328961
PL15 9LJ 11 0 50.626431 -4.316338
PL15 9LP 1 0 50.625475 -4.36346