all postcodes in PL15 / LAUNCESTON

find any address or company within the PL15 postcode district

Postcode Area

PL / Plymouth

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PL15 9NS 10 1 50.576506 -4.334226
PL15 9NT 1 0 50.57577 -4.33193
PL15 9NU 6 0 50.573811 -4.324644
PL15 9NW 10 0 50.582876 -4.331024
PL15 9NX 33 1 50.57582 -4.315887
PL15 9NY 1 0 50.578485 -4.326132
PL15 9NZ 5 0 50.584401 -4.318572
PL15 9PA 4 0 50.599462 -4.325145
PL15 9PB 7 0 50.59826 -4.307803
PL15 9PD 3 0 50.599754 -4.305036
PL15 9PE 13 0 50.605458 -4.318515
PL15 9PF 1 1 50.602783 -4.310569
PL15 9PG 26 0 50.576365 -4.331846
PL15 9PH 26 1 50.580507 -4.341943
PL15 9PJ 5 0 50.584926 -4.336409
PL15 9PL 4 0 50.578229 -4.335756
PL15 9PN 2 0 50.57259 -4.343782
PL15 9PP 26 1 50.587988 -4.347863
PL15 9PQ 6 0 50.57375 -4.332649
PL15 9PR 2 0 50.584674 -4.352081