all postcodes in PL15 / LAUNCESTON

find any address or company within the PL15 postcode district

Postcode Area

PL / Plymouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PL15 9EE 7 0 50.633173 -4.362673
PL15 9EF 0 50.62771 -4.354819
PL15 9FD 0 50.626951 -4.354131
PL15 9FE 0 50.626579 -4.353377
PL15 9FG 0 50.626816 -4.352767
PL15 9FH 0 50.626062 -4.353609
PL15 9FJ 0 50.625762 -4.355076
PL15 9FL 0 50.63237 -4.363665
PL15 9FA 8 0 50.62645 -4.353979
PL15 9FB 0 50.629647 -4.359979
PL15 9FF 0 50.688624 -4.321864
PL15 9FT 1 0 50.628425 -4.348424
PL15 9GH 0 50.635868 -4.356192
PL15 9FU 1 0 50.635312 -4.357451
PL15 9FW 24 0 50.627874 -4.349882
PL15 9FX 2 0 50.628335 -4.349297
PL15 9FY 4 0 50.628309 -4.348829
PL15 9FZ 4 0 50.628417 -4.348353
PL15 9GL 3 3 50.624142 -4.356963
PL15 9GN 3 0 50.627311 -4.346121