all postcodes in PL15 / LAUNCESTON

find any address or company within the PL15 postcode district

Postcode Area

PL / Plymouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PL15 9QT 8 1 50.636942 -4.332284
PL15 9QU 9 0 50.642999 -4.324918
PL15 9QW 6 0 50.638569 -4.352901
PL15 9QX 14 0 50.654189 -4.323037
PL15 9QY 3 0 50.65649 -4.323547
PL15 9QZ 12 0 50.627616 -4.339869
PL15 9RA 1 0 50.652713 -4.371718
PL15 9RB 9 1 50.675092 -4.357488
PL15 9RD 35 0 50.679872 -4.360814
PL15 9RE 5 0 50.693179 -4.374852
PL15 9RF 56 0 50.702142 -4.382103
PL15 9RG 9 0 50.706092 -4.370474
PL15 9RH 7 0 50.700503 -4.35872
PL15 9RL 18 1 50.721398 -4.385687
PL15 9RN 15 1 50.72669 -4.412638
PL15 9RP 5 0 50.681079 -4.352282
PL15 9RQ 11 2 50.710282 -4.351139
PL15 9RR 13 0 50.704596 -4.381205
PL15 9RS 9 0 50.689391 -4.318603
PL15 9RT 30 0 50.688935 -4.318014