all postcodes in PL17 / CALLINGTON

find any address or company within the PL17 postcode district

Postcode Area

PL / Plymouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PL17 7LH 7 0 50.516897 -4.330846
PL17 7LJ 2 1 50.516699 -4.322222
PL17 7LL 22 1 50.519569 -4.335704
PL17 7LN 3 0 50.521773 -4.341075
PL17 7LP 14 0 50.528085 -4.358123
PL17 7LQ 4 1 50.515241 -4.322329
PL17 7LR 1 0 50.536908 -4.352381
PL17 7LT 16 0 50.521984 -4.360471
PL17 7LU 13 1 50.525236 -4.372175
PL17 7LW 6 0 50.525035 -4.34657
PL17 7LX 1 0 50.534479 -4.367036
PL17 7LY 11 1 50.537563 -4.373711
PL17 7LZ 11 1 50.536552 -4.385718
PL17 7NA 6 0 50.536622 -4.396781
PL17 7NB 3 0 50.524886 -4.391473
PL17 7ND 35 0 50.517104 -4.359804
PL17 7NF 2 0 50.505819 -4.361391
PL17 7NG 9 0 50.515834 -4.36125
PL17 7NH 7 0 50.516623 -4.368019
PL17 7NJ 7 0 50.517248 -4.368247