all postcodes in PL26 / ST. AUSTELL

find any address or company within the PL26 postcode district

Postcode Area

PL / Plymouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PL26 8DE 26 0 50.399233 -4.865229
PL26 8DF 13 1 50.392722 -4.868818
PL26 8DG 13 1 50.390915 -4.862194
PL26 8DH 8 0 50.38411 -4.887459
PL26 8DJ 1 0 50.382911 -4.871602
PL26 8DL 6 0 50.382042 -4.866724
PL26 8DN 3 0 50.383034 -4.883722
PL26 8DP 9 0 50.383982 -4.8843
PL26 8DQ 8 1 50.38898 -4.866622
PL26 8DR 30 0 50.381455 -4.879575
PL26 8DS 56 1 50.383609 -4.885558
PL26 8DT 24 1 50.383592 -4.888061
PL26 8EQ 56 2 50.379508 -4.881905
PL26 8NP 4 0 50.3814 -4.885382
PL26 8DU 4 0 50.381638 -4.885241
PL26 8DW 7 4 50.38353 -4.889057
PL26 8DX 10 1 50.378107 -4.880371
PL26 8DY 5 3 50.377653 -4.891372
PL26 8DZ 22 0 50.38181 -4.886293
PL26 8EA 12 0 50.382066 -4.887926