all postcodes in PL27 / PADSTOW

find any address or company within the PL27 postcode district

Postcode Area

PL / Plymouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PL27 6PW 34 1 50.551735 -4.89874
PL27 6PX 2 0 50.558697 -4.902795
PL27 6PY 4 0 50.555977 -4.899255
PL27 6PZ 13 0 50.554553 -4.89575
PL27 6QB 36 0 50.555032 -4.888409
PL27 6QD 5 2 50.55338 -4.894789
PL27 6QH 29 2 50.558323 -4.873641
PL27 6QJ 10 2 50.559505 -4.873134
PL27 6QL 16 1 50.561936 -4.871857
PL27 6QN 12 1 50.565313 -4.87171
PL27 6QP 10 0 50.559349 -4.877532
PL27 6QR 1 0 50.559419 -4.882366
PL27 6QS 14 0 50.560413 -4.882172
PL27 6QT 31 1 50.567506 -4.896896
PL27 6QU 5 2 50.574666 -4.900147
PL27 6QW 3 0 50.559098 -4.875764
PL27 6QX 4 2 50.577539 -4.906864
PL27 6QY 8 1 50.582483 -4.906902
PL27 6QZ 8 0 50.579013 -4.890583
PL27 6RA 8 1 50.576086 -4.879852