all postcodes in PR2 / PRESTON

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Postcode Area

PR / Preston

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PR2 3JR 9 0 53.780096 -2.713618
PR2 3JS 24 0 53.780312 -2.716505
PR2 3JT 5 0 53.780644 -2.715115
PR2 3JU 2 0 53.780827 -2.718757
PR2 3JX 14 2 53.782113 -2.71901
PR2 3JY 15 5 53.783474 -2.718411
PR2 3JZ 3 0 53.783731 -2.717474
PR2 3LA 11 1 53.785349 -2.717411
PR2 3LB 63 0 53.784611 -2.71755
PR2 3LF 24 4 53.776558 -2.730827
PR2 3LG 22 0 53.776089 -2.731183
PR2 3LH 1 1 53.798192 -2.716112
PR2 3LJ 8 0 53.79818 -2.718146
PR2 3LL 10 0 53.79753 -2.724602
PR2 3LN 11 0 53.796769 -2.715146
PR2 3LP 20 1 53.797347 -2.71757
PR2 3LQ 16 0 53.797054 -2.719979
PR2 3LR 12 0 53.797282 -2.721045
PR2 3LS 16 0 53.796937 -2.724455
PR2 3LT 4 1 53.797366 -2.724858