all postcodes in PR2 / PRESTON

find any address or company within the PR2 postcode district

Postcode Area

PR / Preston

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PR2 9UX 0 53.79284 -2.6798
PR2 9UY 0 53.790817 -2.683092
PR2 9WB 0 53.793955 -2.681336
PR2 9WH 0 53.791055 -2.697926
PR2 9WJ 0 53.791668 -2.697663
PR2 9WL 0 53.791969 -2.696773
PR2 9WN 0 53.796202 -2.696873
PR2 9WP 0 53.797005 -2.69631
PR2 9WT 15 53.79793 -2.689749
PR2 9WU 0 53.795261 -2.696448
PR2 9WX 0 53.786713 -2.713305
PR2 9XB 0 53.784174 -2.712136
PR2 9XD 0 53.782713 -2.711841
PR2 9XH 1 53.788458 -2.713138
PR2 9XJ 6 53.79036 -2.713716
PR2 9XL 1 53.786421 -2.712572
PR2 9XP 0 53.788641 -2.713976
PR2 9XQ 0 53.789007 -2.714483
PR2 9XR 0 53.789696 -2.71492
PR2 9XS 0 53.788576 -2.715826