all postcodes in PR2 / PRESTON

find any address or company within the PR2 postcode district

Postcode Area

PR / Preston

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PR2 9RT 0 53.795044 -2.707405
PR2 9RU 0 53.790729 -2.712038
PR2 9RX 6 53.791846 -2.71318
PR2 9RY 1 53.795888 -2.713598
PR2 9RZ 0 53.793426 -2.707393
PR2 9SA 0 53.793016 -2.711378
PR2 9SB 0 53.792275 -2.711988
PR2 9SD 0 53.797753 -2.712886
PR2 9SE 0 53.797682 -2.711138
PR2 9SF 0 53.787279 -2.676159
PR2 9SG 0 53.786718 -2.67829
PR2 9SH 1 53.797099 -2.712571
PR2 9SJ 0 53.797139 -2.710279
PR2 9SL 0 53.797759 -2.710259
PR2 9SN 0 53.796261 -2.712845
PR2 9SP 0 53.796501 -2.708781
PR2 9SQ 0 53.795848 -2.709802
PR2 9SR 0 53.79487 -2.710954
PR2 9SS 0 53.795604 -2.707004
PR2 9ST 0 53.796696 -2.710818