all postcodes in PR2 / PRESTON

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Postcode Area

PR / Preston

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PR2 9QR 0 53.788409 -2.710708
PR2 9QS 0 53.789268 -2.709782
PR2 9QT 0 53.789681 -2.711428
PR2 9QU 0 53.78908 -2.711266
PR2 9QW 0 53.786968 -2.680191
PR2 9QX 0 53.790328 -2.711469
PR2 9QY 0 53.787912 -2.667441
PR2 9QZ 0 53.786661 -2.682083
PR2 9RA 0 53.788154 -2.678784
PR2 9RB 1 53.785352 -2.710884
PR2 9RD 0 53.785907 -2.681919
PR2 9RE 1 53.796114 -2.705416
PR2 9RF 0 53.787962 -2.677748
PR2 9RH 0 53.796526 -2.706109
PR2 9RJ 0 53.795039 -2.706631
PR2 9RL 0 53.796792 -2.706599
PR2 9RN 0 53.797283 -2.7072
PR2 9RQ 1 53.791558 -2.713145
PR2 9RR 0 53.79366 -2.708915
PR2 9RS 0 53.793896 -2.708554