all postcodes in PR2 / PRESTON

find any address or company within the PR2 postcode district

Postcode Area

PR / Preston

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PR2 9PP 1 53.795625 -2.68314
PR2 9PQ 0 53.793928 -2.703014
PR2 9PR 4 53.791254 -2.685194
PR2 9PS 5 53.786674 -2.675041
PR2 9PT 0 53.793692 -2.701947
PR2 9PU 0 53.793934 -2.702058
PR2 9PW 1 53.75425 -2.708372
PR2 9PX 0 53.794377 -2.701549
PR2 9PY 0 53.786468 -2.68123
PR2 9PZ 0 53.787931 -2.676898
PR2 9QA 0 53.78919 -2.670285
PR2 9QB 1 53.787303 -2.711962
PR2 9QD 0 53.786174 -2.710261
PR2 9QE 0 53.786698 -2.708266
PR2 9QH 0 53.786936 -2.710532
PR2 9QJ 0 53.787469 -2.708583
PR2 9QL 0 53.787259 -2.710643
PR2 9QN 0 53.787863 -2.708832
PR2 9QP 0 53.788024 -2.710398
PR2 9QQ 0 53.787785 -2.711426