all postcodes in PR2 / PRESTON

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Postcode Area

PR / Preston

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PR2 9SU 0 53.792934 -2.710041
PR2 9SW 0 53.798205 -2.709341
PR2 9SX 1 53.790354 -2.682265
PR2 9SY 0 53.7946 -2.706486
PR2 9SZ 1 53.786317 -2.684036
PR2 9TA 0 53.794066 -2.705643
PR2 9TB 0 53.796983 -2.704826
PR2 9TD 0 53.793184 -2.705749
PR2 9TE 0 53.793708 -2.703815
PR2 9TF 0 53.79512 -2.702062
PR2 9TG 0 53.792805 -2.704559
PR2 9TH 6 53.791322 -2.71516
PR2 9TJ 0 53.792357 -2.714965
PR2 9TL 0 53.792737 -2.716019
PR2 9TN 0 53.792011 -2.715672
PR2 9TP 0 53.791517 -2.717091
PR2 9TQ 0 53.792488 -2.717077
PR2 9TR 0 53.793478 -2.715379
PR2 9TS 0 53.793491 -2.717656
PR2 9TT 0 53.792273 -2.718379