all postcodes in PR2 / PRESTON

find any address or company within the PR2 postcode district

Postcode Area

PR / Preston

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PR2 9TU 0 53.791768 -2.717201
PR2 9TW 0 53.793566 -2.705057
PR2 9TX 0 53.791451 -2.719078
PR2 9TY 0 53.792681 -2.719327
PR2 9TZ 0 53.793602 -2.706546
PR2 9UA 0 53.793851 -2.714504
PR2 9UB 0 53.793997 -2.715676
PR2 9UD 0 53.79408 -2.718379
PR2 9UE 1 53.794911 -2.716162
PR2 9UF 0 53.792349 -2.677591
PR2 9UG 0 53.791957 -2.678481
PR2 9UH 0 53.794662 -2.718678
PR2 9UJ 0 53.795154 -2.719142
PR2 9UL 0 53.795021 -2.717378
PR2 9UN 0 53.796607 -2.718134
PR2 9UP 6 53.792532 -2.714194
PR2 9UQ 0 53.795091 -2.714617
PR2 9US 1 53.791412 -2.704505
PR2 9UT 0 53.792274 -2.678137
PR2 9UU 0 53.794898 -2.700176