all postcodes in S3 / SHEFFIELD

find any address or company within the S3 postcode district

Postcode Area

S / Sheffield

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
S3 7RH 1 1 53.380984 -1.486084
S3 7RL 1 1 53.380501 -1.484436
S3 7RP 20 0 53.376132 -1.484279
S3 7RQ 7 2 53.378524 -1.484475
S3 7RR 4 0 53.37612 -1.483632
S3 7RS 23 0 53.376924 -1.484464
S3 7RU 18 0 53.377492 -1.484848
S3 7RW 15 0 53.379482 -1.481727
S3 7RX 2 2 53.379909 -1.480625
S3 7RZ 11 2 53.379841 -1.481437
S3 7SB 29 13 53.379346 -1.477129
S3 7SF 22 13 53.379509 -1.477593
S3 7SG 8 5 53.379669 -1.47926
S3 7SH 39 0 53.379776 -1.480987
S3 7SJ 37 0 53.379334 -1.480722
S3 7SL 25 0 53.379181 -1.480664
S3 7SP 14 3 53.37534 -1.484182
S3 7SQ 28 2 53.375842 -1.48374
S3 7SR 50 0 53.378956 -1.480546
S3 7SU 10 0 53.378708 -1.48345