all postcodes in SR4 / SUNDERLAND

find any address or company within the SR4 postcode district

Postcode Area

SR / Sunderland

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SR4 8JB 0 54.887243 -1.440493
SR4 8JD 2 54.887237 -1.441255
SR4 8JE 0 54.889212 -1.438892
SR4 8JF 0 54.889173 -1.438206
SR4 8JG 0 54.890047 -1.434858
SR4 8JH 0 54.890847 -1.436733
SR4 8JJ 2 54.890717 -1.437873
SR4 8JL 0 54.890722 -1.439011
SR4 8JN 0 54.890623 -1.440836
SR4 8JP 0 54.890107 -1.441966
SR4 8JQ 0 54.890412 -1.435991
SR4 8JR 0 54.890157 -1.443166
SR4 8JS 0 54.888499 -1.442129
SR4 8JT 0 54.887941 -1.44184
SR4 8JU 0 54.887928 -1.441059
SR4 8JW 0 54.891136 -1.441079
SR4 8JX 0 54.889334 -1.441945
SR4 8JY 0 54.8899 -1.441829
SR4 8JZ 1 54.889741 -1.440615
SR4 8LA 0 54.889141 -1.441075