all postcodes in SR4 / SUNDERLAND

find any address or company within the SR4 postcode district

Postcode Area

SR / Sunderland

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SR4 8LB 0 54.88943 -1.439294
SR4 8LD 0 54.889817 -1.439413
SR4 8LE 0 54.890146 -1.436868
SR4 8LF 0 54.890028 -1.436417
SR4 8LG 0 54.890651 -1.435114
SR4 8LN 7 54.895762 -1.423318
SR4 8LP 1 54.895259 -1.427036
SR4 8LQ 0 54.891148 -1.435762
SR4 8LR 0 54.896465 -1.423789
SR4 8LS 0 54.895971 -1.425776
SR4 8LT 0 54.895844 -1.427446
SR4 8LU 0 54.896602 -1.427859
SR4 8LW 1 54.895341 -1.423464
SR4 8LX 0 54.896579 -1.426908
SR4 8LY 0 54.896942 -1.425733
SR4 8LZ 0 54.896153 -1.426119
SR4 8NA 0 54.89577 -1.428712
SR4 8NB 0 54.896821 -1.428698
SR4 8ND 0 54.895491 -1.428748
SR4 8NE 1 54.895192 -1.426132