all postcodes in SR4 / SUNDERLAND

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Postcode Area

SR / Sunderland

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SR4 8ES 0 54.899806 -1.444452
SR4 8EW 0 54.900109 -1.438085
SR4 8HA 0 54.892839 -1.436128
SR4 8HB 2 54.892808 -1.43728
SR4 8HD 0 54.891749 -1.4375
SR4 8HE 0 54.892278 -1.439145
SR4 8HF 0 54.891649 -1.43931
SR4 8HG 0 54.891257 -1.441981
SR4 8HH 1 54.892445 -1.434544
SR4 8HP 1 54.891117 -1.433112
SR4 8HQ 0 54.89197 -1.436733
SR4 8HR 0 54.890973 -1.432974
SR4 8HS 0 54.890382 -1.433497
SR4 8HT 0 54.889804 -1.434643
SR4 8HU 0 54.889245 -1.436163
SR4 8HW 1 54.892208 -1.435716
SR4 8HX 0 54.888827 -1.437167
SR4 8HY 0 54.888534 -1.437981
SR4 8HZ 0 54.887763 -1.438397
SR4 8JA 0 54.887445 -1.439555