all postcodes in SY11 / OSWESTRY

find any address or company within the SY11 postcode district

Postcode Area

SY / Shrewsbury

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SY11 4EE 1 0 52.833237 -2.979639
SY11 4EF 2 0 52.833368 -2.978974
SY11 4EG 5 0 52.832263 -2.978919
SY11 4EH 29 3 52.823759 -2.970091
SY11 4EJ 1 0 52.823114 -2.970197
SY11 4EL 7 0 52.821356 -2.968704
SY11 4EN 14 0 52.820582 -2.968775
SY11 4EP 7 0 52.813943 -2.966031
SY11 4EQ 12 0 52.825862 -2.971668
SY11 4ER 7 0 52.819972 -2.950762
SY11 4ES 6 0 52.812086 -2.966151
SY11 4ET 8 0 52.803666 -2.959126
SY11 4EU 1 0 52.801429 -2.964968
SY11 4EW 9 0 52.819246 -2.96833
SY11 4EX 14 1 52.805899 -2.976741
SY11 4EY 2 0 52.812499 -2.970656
SY11 4EZ 5 0 52.81381 -2.960286
SY11 4FB 6 0 52.83292 -2.980346
SY11 4FD 4 0 52.833476 -2.979394
SY11 4HA 15 0 52.818807 -2.936743