all postcodes in SY11 / OSWESTRY

find any address or company within the SY11 postcode district

Postcode Area

SY / Shrewsbury

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SY11 4PF 15 1 52.864538 -2.979083
SY11 4PG 38 0 52.863819 -2.990995
SY11 4PH 14 0 52.872746 -3.000648
SY11 4PJ 14 0 52.870755 -3.003261
SY11 4PS 21 0 52.869552 -3.00307
SY11 4PL 16 0 52.870518 -3.003583
SY11 4PN 10 0 52.873927 -3.007673
SY11 4PP 18 0 52.873965 -3.008461
SY11 4PQ 39 3 52.866011 -2.99293
SY11 4PT 7 0 52.869302 -3.003867
SY11 4PU 8 0 52.869614 -3.004215
SY11 4PW 5 0 52.874065 -3.009429
SY11 4PX 4 0 52.873568 -3.0097
SY11 4PY 7 0 52.87211 -2.998804
SY11 4PZ 8 0 52.872388 -2.998233
SY11 4QA 4 2 52.851034 -3.038088
SY11 4QB 1 1 52.853995 -3.038071
SY11 4QD 5 0 52.877261 -3.02252
SY11 4QE 4 0 52.820841 -2.97841
SY11 4QF 16 0 52.821589 -2.969807