all postcodes in SY11 / OSWESTRY

find any address or company within the SY11 postcode district

Postcode Area

SY / Shrewsbury

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SY11 4LD 2 0 52.81344 -2.981997
SY11 4LE 20 1 52.821099 -2.977023
SY11 4LF 17 0 52.823805 -2.973715
SY11 4LG 2 0 52.824139 -2.971999
SY11 4LH 8 0 52.840811 -2.977272
SY11 4LJ 7 0 52.842756 -2.987351
SY11 4LL 2 0 52.84965 -2.991784
SY11 4LN 3 0 52.851914 -2.978324
SY11 4LP 6 1 52.853596 -2.999732
SY11 4LQ 2 0 52.835307 -2.98261
SY11 4LR 14 0 52.84856 -3.004279
SY11 4LS 4 2 52.845765 -3.003071
SY11 4LT 14 0 52.853979 -3.013938
SY11 4LU 4 0 52.857407 -3.030281
SY11 4LW 5 0 52.856598 -2.989093
SY11 4LX 29 0 52.825861 -2.969635
SY11 4LY 16 0 52.825669 -2.968948
SY11 4LZ 15 0 52.825288 -2.970483
SY11 4NA 10 0 52.873669 -3.00835
SY11 4NB 7 0 52.871693 -3.019819