all postcodes in SY11 / OSWESTRY

find any address or company within the SY11 postcode district

Postcode Area

SY / Shrewsbury

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SY11 4HB 8 1 52.819872 -2.927727
SY11 4HD 9 0 52.824104 -2.936069
SY11 4HF 12 1 52.836401 -2.930946
SY11 4HE 13 0 52.830952 -2.915688
SY11 4HG 14 0 52.831796 -2.946047
SY11 4HH 11 0 52.825009 -2.970492
SY11 4HJ 12 0 52.823466 -2.967875
SY11 4HL 9 0 52.834867 -2.950924
SY11 4HN 1 0 52.845373 -2.946773
SY11 4HP 8 0 52.849058 -2.946898
SY11 4HQ 2 0 52.833269 -2.946834
SY11 4HR 9 0 52.857986 -2.932017
SY11 4HS 25 17 52.845544 -2.937675
SY11 4HT 7 0 52.845736 -2.945282
SY11 4HU 3 0 52.852135 -2.956692
SY11 4HW 4 0 52.848447 -2.946885
SY11 4HX 13 0 52.84023 -2.959192
SY11 4HY 3 0 52.83004 -2.956429
SY11 4HZ 5 0 52.823248 -2.969235
SY11 4JA 5 5 52.849412 -3.026558