all postcodes in SY11 / OSWESTRY

find any address or company within the SY11 postcode district

Postcode Area

SY / Shrewsbury

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SY11 4JD 16 0 52.824585 -2.969577
SY11 4JE 1 1 52.849196 -3.033441
SY11 4JF 3 1 52.844375 -3.01955
SY11 4JG 2 0 52.835377 -3.009539
SY11 4JH 5 0 52.841723 -2.99836
SY11 4JJ 1 1 52.835788 -2.986764
SY11 4JL 4 0 52.833004 -2.976637
SY11 4JN 6 0 52.830068 -2.968556
SY11 4JP 1 0 52.826763 -2.962605
SY11 4JQ 5 0 52.830346 -3.01272
SY11 4JR 8 1 52.825197 -2.967216
SY11 4JS 2 0 52.819877 -2.947612
SY11 4JT 36 0 52.82061 -2.966417
SY11 4JU 19 0 52.820011 -2.97593
SY11 4JW 1 0 52.826028 -2.967902
SY11 4JX 19 0 52.82024 -2.970546
SY11 4JY 18 0 52.820759 -2.970174
SY11 4JZ 2 0 52.822374 -2.989693
SY11 4LA 5 0 52.826346 -2.987721
SY11 4LB 10 0 52.819582 -2.981735