all postcodes in SY11 / OSWESTRY

find any address or company within the SY11 postcode district

Postcode Area

SY / Shrewsbury

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SY11 4NE 1 0 52.864832 -3.000911
SY11 4NF 8 0 52.885607 -3.010604
SY11 4NG 3 0 52.880729 -3.013284
SY11 4NH 3 0 52.887111 -3.021845
SY11 4NJ 2 0 52.893899 -3.013947
SY11 4NL 12 1 52.892702 -2.998252
SY11 4NN 5 0 52.889778 -2.992405
SY11 4NP 4 1 52.890067 -2.977117
SY11 4NQ 7 0 52.886194 -3.01726
SY11 4NR 4 0 52.889329 -2.990907
SY11 4NS 7 0 52.879764 -2.980064
SY11 4NT 2 0 52.881299 -2.964941
SY11 4NU 4 2 52.886662 -2.96252
SY11 4NW 2 0 52.890451 -2.994321
SY11 4NX 20 2 52.892253 -2.950351
SY11 4NY 1 0 52.893179 -2.954861
SY11 4NZ 29 0 52.873452 -3.007454
SY11 4PA 10 0 52.883575 -2.942791
SY11 4PB 22 1 52.879103 -2.936586
SY11 4PD 3 0 52.869232 -2.955746