all postcodes in SY12 / ELLESMERE

find any address or company within the SY12 postcode district

Postcode Area

SY / Shrewsbury

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SY12 0LJ 78 0 52.912711 -2.890289
SY12 0LL 27 0 52.858467 -2.839839
SY12 0LN 13 0 52.855651 -2.841478
SY12 0LP 7 0 52.922778 -2.903198
SY12 0LQ 8 0 52.895213 -2.831467
SY12 0LR 8 0 52.930427 -2.899044
SY12 0LS 1 0 52.938588 -2.897724
SY12 0LT 4 0 52.946209 -2.892033
SY12 0LU 4 0 52.93715 -2.883619
SY12 0LW 25 0 52.91027 -2.891013
SY12 0LX 3 0 52.922734 -2.891551
SY12 0LY 2 0 52.916687 -2.887262
SY12 0LZ 33 0 52.911641 -2.890342
SY12 0NA 42 0 52.911226 -2.892518
SY12 0NB 6 0 52.917891 -2.878022
SY12 0ND 7 0 52.925435 -2.872819
SY12 0NS 3 0 52.912788 -2.848755
SY12 0NE 3 0 52.931775 -2.874955
SY12 0NF 4 0 52.936557 -2.877477
SY12 0NG 4 0 52.942281 -2.872905