all postcodes in SY12 / ELLESMERE

find any address or company within the SY12 postcode district

Postcode Area

SY / Shrewsbury

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SY12 0NH 1 0 52.937143 -2.861256
SY12 0NJ 7 0 52.930159 -2.855017
SY12 0NL 4 0 52.939599 -2.848582
SY12 0NN 2 0 52.927683 -2.846265
SY12 0NP 4 0 52.913768 -2.841563
SY12 0NQ 4 1 52.944093 -2.867391
SY12 0NR 9 0 52.910384 -2.843342
SY12 0NT 2 0 52.909872 -2.844207
SY12 0NU 44 0 52.907132 -2.899409
SY12 0NW 1 0 52.925046 -2.837007
SY12 0NX 6 0 52.906263 -2.899821
SY12 0NY 30 0 52.907324 -2.897837
SY12 0NZ 5 0 52.859036 -2.838127
SY12 0PA 6 3 52.903621 -2.882179
SY12 0PB 3 0 52.909756 -2.876682
SY12 0PD 1 0 52.901077 -2.87731
SY12 0PE 7 0 52.902043 -2.86325
SY12 0PF 10 0 52.9042 -2.862029
SY12 0PG 14 2 52.909083 -2.845576
SY12 0PH 27 1 52.909518 -2.84084