all postcodes in SY12 / ELLESMERE

find any address or company within the SY12 postcode district

Postcode Area

SY / Shrewsbury

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SY12 0JJ 17 0 52.853 -2.839597
SY12 0JL 9 1 52.846085 -2.845435
SY12 0JN 8 0 52.856994 -2.839677
SY12 0JP 12 0 52.857988 -2.838865
SY12 0JQ 18 1 52.855295 -2.840862
SY12 0JR 8 0 52.85935 -2.839574
SY12 0JS 6 0 52.860606 -2.839373
SY12 0JT 3 0 52.85813 -2.835303
SY12 0JU 10 0 52.865826 -2.824963
SY12 0JW 23 0 52.857045 -2.838742
SY12 0JX 18 0 52.862904 -2.812784
SY12 0JY 2 1 52.872506 -2.81127
SY12 0JZ 5 0 52.870972 -2.821822
SY12 0LA 17 0 52.861136 -2.80099
SY12 0LB 5 0 52.863209 -2.794864
SY12 0LD 2 0 52.873879 -2.799811
SY12 0LE 8 0 52.886545 -2.813467
SY12 0LF 7 0 52.891929 -2.82152
SY12 0LG 18 1 52.892237 -2.824974
SY12 0LH 14 0 52.857086 -2.841847