all postcodes in SY12 / ELLESMERE

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Postcode Area

SY / Shrewsbury

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SY12 0HH 1 0 52.909622 -2.890626
SY12 0HJ 3 0 52.909544 -2.893154
SY12 0HL 6 0 52.906343 -2.89157
SY12 0HN 17 0 52.905593 -2.897325
SY12 0HP 6 0 52.906155 -2.891939
SY12 0HQ 5 2 52.908367 -2.891762
SY12 0HR 5 0 52.896923 -2.876171
SY12 0HS 2 0 52.895315 -2.870741
SY12 0HT 5 1 52.892734 -2.874838
SY12 0HU 3 0 52.893891 -2.872854
SY12 0HW 9 0 52.857719 -2.842602
SY12 0HX 7 0 52.890508 -2.865875
SY12 0HY 1 1 52.887392 -2.860388
SY12 0HZ 1 0 52.879954 -2.85975
SY12 0JA 4 0 52.867634 -2.859076
SY12 0JB 3 0 52.869463 -2.870804
SY12 0JD 2 0 52.860897 -2.850311
SY12 0JE 25 4 52.857715 -2.841396
SY12 0JF 4 0 52.858311 -2.844024
SY12 0JH 24 2 52.854331 -2.839952