all postcodes in SY22 / LLANFECHAIN

find any address or company within the SY22 postcode district

Postcode Area

SY / Shrewsbury

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SY22 6SH 14 0 52.760792 -3.028399
SY22 6SJ 4 0 52.764167 -3.055556
SY22 6SL 8 0 52.763887 -3.061744
SY22 6SN 4 0 52.769432 -3.064976
SY22 6SP 4 0 52.734092 -3.098578
SY22 6SQ 19 1 52.742129 -3.019027
SY22 6SR 5 0 52.757256 -3.076312
SY22 6SS 10 0 52.751316 -3.062754
SY22 6ST 9 6 52.759606 -3.077911
SY22 6SU 5 0 52.774654 -3.147066
SY22 6SX 22 1 52.770158 -3.140663
SY22 6SY 18 5 52.768168 -3.125863
SY22 6SZ 7 0 52.770128 -3.135341
SY22 6TA 9 0 52.764479 -3.142175
SY22 6TB 12 0 52.758654 -3.140348
SY22 6TD 3 1 52.753469 -3.146569
SY22 6TE 27 0 52.753228 -3.126693
SY22 6TF 12 0 52.748249 -3.130328
SY22 6TG 1 0 52.746803 -3.138646
SY22 6TH 7 0 52.752527 -3.173066