all postcodes in SY22 / LLANFECHAIN

find any address or company within the SY22 postcode district

Postcode Area

SY / Shrewsbury

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SY22 6TJ 20 0 52.758366 -3.159841
SY22 6TL 11 0 52.785079 -3.136205
SY22 6TN 5 0 52.787985 -3.153615
SY22 6TP 5 0 52.789904 -3.16243
SY22 6TQ 3 0 52.747375 -3.170424
SY22 6TR 5 0 52.792108 -3.168747
SY22 6TS 15 0 52.78185 -3.163283
SY22 6TT 9 0 52.733767 -3.099681
SY22 6TU 10 0 52.751388 -3.062092
SY22 6TW 8 0 52.790797 -3.157501
SY22 6TX 12 0 52.75875 -3.084054
SY22 6TZ 4 0 52.77877 -3.155566
SY22 6UA 8 1 52.775517 -3.170971
SY22 6UB 1 0 52.782486 -3.177163
SY22 6UD 2 0 52.777944 -3.1842
SY22 6UE 8 0 52.774395 -3.189812
SY22 6UF 5 0 52.776129 -3.195241
SY22 6UG 3 0 52.775202 -3.198017
SY22 6UH 37 0 52.773399 -3.204742
SY22 6UJ 15 1 52.775784 -3.203622