all postcodes in SY / Shrewsbury

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Postcode Area

SY / Shrewsbury

Postcode District

SY / Shrewsbury

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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SY1 1LS 2 1 52.706429 -2.754253
SY1 1LT 9 0 52.706578 -2.754065
SY1 1LW 14 8 52.706926 -2.753832
SY1 1LY 10 2 52.706775 -2.754039
SY1 1LZ 20 8 52.706662 -2.754969
SY1 1NA 1 1 52.712603 -2.750927
SY1 1NB 1 1 52.712778 -2.7517
SY1 1ND 1 1 52.706553 -2.755071
SY1 1NF 2 2 52.706959 -2.755683
SY1 1NG 20 0 52.707243 -2.755498
SY1 1NL 20 1 52.706097 -2.757044
SY1 1NN 12 1 52.706907 -2.755965
SY1 1NP 6 0 52.70606 -2.756217
SY1 1NQ 13 1 52.706547 -2.756063
SY1 1NT 2 0 52.705749 -2.755099
SY1 1NX 51 3 52.712176 -2.75163
SY1 1PB 5 2 52.711338 -2.751883
SY1 1QB 3 3 52.710771 -2.753368
SY1 1PD 19 1 52.711215 -2.751392
SY1 1PE 7 1 52.710987 -2.751995