all postcodes in SY / Shrewsbury

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SY / Shrewsbury

Postcode District

SY / Shrewsbury

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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SY1 1QU 29 14 52.708849 -2.756796
SY1 1RD 38 10 52.707822 -2.757728
SY1 1RE 1 1 52.707905 -2.757403
SY1 1RG 9 0 52.708131 -2.758101
SY1 1RJ 16 3 52.708257 -2.759346
SY1 1RL 1 1 52.708185 -2.758622
SY1 1RN 1 1 52.707531 -2.759543
SY1 1RQ 5 0 52.707826 -2.758453
SY1 1RS 1 1 52.708561 -2.758865
SY1 1RT 4 4 52.709435 -2.758481
SY1 1RU 3 3 52.708652 -2.760893
SY1 1RW 16 7 52.708467 -2.758936
SY1 1RX 1 1 52.708876 -2.760144
SY1 1RY 1 0 52.709308 -2.759498
SY1 1SA 2 0 52.708908 -2.758795
SY1 1SB 4 4 52.707942 -2.757153
SY1 1SG 1 1 52.707502 -2.752912
SY1 1SJ 6 6 52.707857 -2.753599
SY1 1SL 1 1 52.707587 -2.753698
SY1 1SP 32 11 52.707224 -2.752744