all postcodes in SY / Shrewsbury

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Postcode Area

SY / Shrewsbury

Postcode District

SY / Shrewsbury

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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SY1 1PF 7 0 52.711434 -2.752402
SY1 1PG 1 1 52.710902 -2.753992
SY1 1PH 9 5 52.709891 -2.754091
SY1 1PJ 9 9 52.709575 -2.754396
SY1 1PL 7 7 52.710464 -2.753064
SY1 1PN 11 8 52.708528 -2.75497
SY1 1PP 34 11 52.709191 -2.755931
SY1 1PQ 9 6 52.709209 -2.755278
SY1 1PR 1 1 52.709318 -2.755681
SY1 1PS 1 1 52.709078 -2.756728
SY1 1PU 31 12 52.709095 -2.756297
SY1 1PW 4 2 52.709848 -2.755809
SY1 1PY 21 10 52.708455 -2.755637
SY1 1PZ 14 11 52.708323 -2.755265
SY1 1QF 1 1 52.708032 -2.757243
SY1 1QG 15 12 52.707857 -2.755965
SY1 1QJ 7 5 52.708157 -2.757289
SY1 1QQ 1 1 52.70773 -2.756601
SY1 1QS 1 0 52.709147 -2.757114
SY1 1QT 1 0 52.709513 -2.757579