all postcodes in UB / Southall

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Postcode Area

UB / Southall

Postcode District

UB / Southall

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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
UB1 1QN 47 6 51.512158 -0.382411
UB1 1QQ 19 0 51.514032 -0.381393
UB1 1QU 37 0 51.505973 -0.381189
UB1 1QW 1 1 51.511536 -0.376423
UB1 1QX 5 0 51.506036 -0.381893
UB1 1RD 21 6 51.508801 -0.377566
UB1 1RH 16 0 51.509806 -0.377479
UB1 1RJ 27 0 51.509058 -0.378025
UB1 1RL 24 0 51.509626 -0.378754
UB1 1RN 18 0 51.509077 -0.379329
UB1 1RP 44 1 51.508867 -0.380452
UB1 1RQ 14 8 51.509245 -0.377225
UB1 1RR 34 11 51.509857 -0.376642
UB1 1RT 18 10 51.510661 -0.376253
UB1 1RW 49 4 51.509726 -0.380119
UB1 1SF 1 1 51.508279 -0.37824
UB1 1SG 1 1 51.511106 -0.375906
UB1 1SQ 18 12 51.508089 -0.377447
UB1 1SU 18 11 51.510626 -0.37557
UB1 1SW 21 13 51.50968 -0.376108