all postcodes in UB / Southall

find any address or company within the UB postcode area

Postcode Area

UB / Southall

Postcode District

UB / Southall

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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
UB1 2XJ 20 0 51.527076 -0.367495
UB1 2XL 16 0 51.527467 -0.367798
UB1 2XN 16 0 51.526941 -0.36874
UB1 2XP 20 0 51.528287 -0.371777
UB1 2XQ 28 0 51.526475 -0.36694
UB1 2XR 40 0 51.525333 -0.370195
UB1 2XS 35 0 51.52587 -0.370652
UB1 2XT 49 0 51.526933 -0.370744
UB1 2XU 30 0 51.53068 -0.374445
UB1 2XW 33 0 51.52775 -0.371969
UB1 2YD 12 0 51.530047 -0.374814
UB1 2YE 9 0 51.529866 -0.375411
UB1 2YF 12 0 51.529905 -0.375532
UB1 2YG 18 0 51.53037 -0.375465
UB1 2YP 42 0 51.531256 -0.374482
UB1 2YQ 23 0 51.530347 -0.375106
UB1 2YZ 1 1 51.50371 -0.414351
UB1 2LL 1 0 51.530493 -0.368108
UB1 2FH 8 0 51.512338 -0.371985
UB1 2GU 1 1 51.53102 -0.37041