all postcodes in UB / Southall

find any address or company within the UB postcode area

Postcode Area

UB / Southall

Postcode District

UB / Southall

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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
UB1 3BL 19 0 51.509238 -0.375453
UB1 3BN 9 0 51.508667 -0.375697
UB1 3BP 36 0 51.50937 -0.374541
UB1 3BQ 32 0 51.510615 -0.374792
UB1 3BS 27 0 51.508171 -0.37503
UB1 3BT 20 1 51.510162 -0.373345
UB1 3BU 38 0 51.508203 -0.376009
UB1 3BW 28 0 51.507416 -0.376354
UB1 3DA 22 3 51.510946 -0.374758
UB1 3DB 27 10 51.510694 -0.373427
UB1 3DD 1 1 51.510255 -0.358729
UB1 3DN 6 2 51.510531 -0.37143
UB1 3DP 18 0 51.510535 -0.363936
UB1 3DR 1 1 51.509331 -0.351788
UB1 3DU 40 0 51.509427 -0.361843
UB1 3DW 13 1 51.510939 -0.365773
UB1 3DX 19 0 51.509944 -0.360283
UB1 3DY 36 0 51.509211 -0.359934
UB1 3DZ 5 1 51.509705 -0.358605
UB1 3EB 3 1 51.512682 -0.354766