all postcodes in UB / Southall

find any address or company within the UB postcode area

Postcode Area

UB / Southall

Postcode District

UB / Southall

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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
UB1 3ED 1 0 51.509433 -0.352613
UB1 3EE 1 1 51.512973 -0.35438
UB1 3EG 1 1 51.50978 -0.354928
UB1 3EJ 12 11 51.50927 -0.349953
UB1 3EL 4 2 51.5096 -0.349804
UB1 3EP 14 0 51.509491 -0.347214
UB1 3EQ 1 1 51.510259 -0.353858
UB1 3ER 64 0 51.509933 -0.34727
UB1 3ES 32 0 51.509454 -0.345818
UB1 3ET 26 0 51.50897 -0.345856
UB1 3EU 1 1 51.506667 -0.349737
UB1 3EW 17 1 51.509209 -0.348139
UB1 3EY 13 0 51.510186 -0.375088
UB1 3HA 30 5 51.511223 -0.373985
UB1 3HB 1 1 51.511836 -0.374698
UB1 3HD 23 0 51.507319 -0.374513
UB1 3HF 8 2 51.510821 -0.371499
UB1 3HG 1 1 51.511025 -0.372017
UB1 3HH 8 0 51.51128 -0.369659
UB1 3HJ 33 2 51.51208 -0.370265