all postcodes in UB / Southall

find any address or company within the UB postcode area

Postcode Area

UB / Southall

Postcode District

UB / Southall

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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
UB1 3JN 9 0 51.51601 -0.361895
UB1 3JP 8 0 51.517178 -0.361839
UB1 3JQ 1 1 51.51617 -0.363028
UB1 3JR 8 0 51.516823 -0.36214
UB1 3JS 26 0 51.518153 -0.360853
UB1 3JT 53 0 51.519103 -0.362548
UB1 3JU 20 0 51.519308 -0.363045
UB1 3JW 8 2 51.516596 -0.362667
UB1 3JX 22 0 51.518619 -0.360677
UB1 3JY 61 0 51.518975 -0.361068
UB1 3JZ 1 0 51.518285 -0.362534
UB1 3LA 36 0 51.519521 -0.363456
UB1 3LB 32 0 51.518974 -0.363619
UB1 3LD 36 0 51.519427 -0.364468
UB1 3LE 39 0 51.518758 -0.364232
UB1 3LF 36 0 51.518729 -0.364089
UB1 3LG 4 0 51.512905 -0.364867
UB1 3LH 16 0 51.518311 -0.359247
UB1 3LJ 24 0 51.518387 -0.35825
UB1 3LL 16 0 51.518195 -0.358026