all postcodes in UB / Southall

find any address or company within the UB postcode area

Postcode Area

UB / Southall

Postcode District

UB / Southall

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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
UB1 1JL 32 2 51.509813 -0.385052
UB1 1JN 24 0 51.508648 -0.385432
UB1 1JQ 43 0 51.510944 -0.384327
UB1 1JR 19 14 51.511192 -0.376306
UB1 1JT 1 1 51.511165 -0.376883
UB1 1JY 34 16 51.511243 -0.37794
UB1 1LA 18 9 51.511247 -0.379604
UB1 1LD 1 1 51.511213 -0.379115
UB1 1LE 16 0 51.510937 -0.379918
UB1 1LF 27 0 51.510214 -0.37771
UB1 1LG 41 0 51.510541 -0.379255
UB1 1LH 20 0 51.510635 -0.376945
UB1 1LN 23 8 51.511415 -0.380722
UB1 1LP 18 4 51.511848 -0.38266
UB1 1LQ 24 0 51.510676 -0.380604
UB1 1LR 6 4 51.51203 -0.383539
UB1 1LW 26 6 51.511646 -0.381809
UB1 1LX 17 6 51.512224 -0.384585
UB1 1LZ 8 3 51.512308 -0.385396
UB1 1NB 20 8 51.512504 -0.386636