all postcodes in UB / Southall

find any address or company within the UB postcode area

Postcode Area

UB / Southall

Postcode District

UB / Southall

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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
UB1 1PG 15 0 51.512908 -0.386564
UB1 1PH 52 1 51.513733 -0.388379
UB1 1PJ 15 0 51.513013 -0.38767
UB1 1PL 6 0 51.513179 -0.388565
UB1 1PN 2 2 51.513477 -0.389304
UB1 1PQ 60 0 51.514559 -0.387658
UB1 1PS 20 9 51.51146 -0.376102
UB1 1PT 9 3 51.511548 -0.377223
UB1 1PU 1 1 51.51155 -0.376826
UB1 1PX 1 1 51.511543 -0.376956
UB1 1PY 1 1 51.511622 -0.377429
UB1 1PZ 36 0 51.512512 -0.378104
UB1 1QB 9 6 51.511536 -0.378355
UB1 1QD 11 6 51.511544 -0.379622
UB1 1QE 1 1 51.511703 -0.379386
UB1 1QF 41 22 51.511789 -0.380976
UB1 1QG 31 0 51.512893 -0.381607
UB1 1QH 20 0 51.515093 -0.381384
UB1 1QJ 14 0 51.514146 -0.381778
UB1 1QL 34 0 51.512971 -0.382022