all postcodes in W1U / LONDON

find any address or company within the W1U postcode district

Postcode Area

W / West London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
W1U 6BT 0 51.52148 -0.158398
W1U 6BU 0 51.52104 -0.158444
W1U 6BW 0 51.52104 -0.158444
W1U 6BX 1 51.52104 -0.158444
W1U 6BZ 3 51.520072 -0.158613
W1U 6DD 8 51.521646 -0.15695
W1U 6DE 0 51.521488 -0.15661
W1U 6DF 0 51.520513 -0.15736
W1U 6DG 1 51.521361 -0.157667
W1U 6DP 1 51.520901 -0.156461
W1U 6DQ 1 51.519393 -0.158323
W1U 6DR 0 51.520811 -0.156436
W1U 6DS 0 51.52073 -0.15641
W1U 6DT 0 51.520585 -0.156373
W1U 6UD 0 51.521729 -0.157062
W1U 6DW 0 51.520753 -0.156164
W1U 6DX 1 51.519622 -0.156887
W1U 6DY 1 51.51975 -0.1569
W1U 6DZ 1 51.519702 -0.156841
W1U 6ED 0 51.520008 -0.157293