all postcodes in W1U / LONDON

find any address or company within the W1U postcode district

Postcode Area

W / West London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
W1U 6LB 0 51.520634 -0.157769
W1U 6LD 0 51.519763 -0.157256
W1U 6LE 0 51.519763 -0.157256
W1U 6LF 0 51.519647 -0.157881
W1U 6LG 0 51.519647 -0.157881
W1U 6LJ 1 51.520914 -0.156705
W1U 6LN 1 51.520734 -0.157232
W1U 6LQ 0 51.520543 -0.158248
W1U 6LS 1 51.519836 -0.155639
W1U 6LT 0 51.519836 -0.155639
W1U 6LU 1 51.519836 -0.155639
W1U 6LX 1 51.519836 -0.155639
W1U 6LY 2 51.519972 -0.155677
W1U 6LZ 0 51.519972 -0.155677
W1U 6NB 1 51.519972 -0.155677
W1U 6ND 1 51.520071 -0.15573
W1U 6NF 2 51.520162 -0.155784
W1U 6NG 1 51.520216 -0.155753
W1U 6NH 1 51.520305 -0.155735
W1U 6NJ 9 51.520333 -0.155749