all postcodes in W1U / LONDON

find any address or company within the W1U postcode district

Postcode Area

W / West London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
W1U 6EF 1 51.520734 -0.157232
W1U 6EG 1 51.520997 -0.156115
W1U 6EQ 4 51.520995 -0.15614
W1U 6QQ 3 51.520543 -0.157153
W1U 6RP 5 51.521114 -0.157389
W1U 6UE 5 51.521729 -0.157062
W1U 6FY 1 51.520715 -0.156612
W1U 6HA 0 51.519792 -0.15567
W1U 6HB 0 51.519846 -0.155711
W1U 6HE 1 51.520109 -0.155815
W1U 6HG 0 51.520174 -0.155816
W1U 6HH 0 51.519329 -0.158297
W1U 6HJ 3 51.519393 -0.158323
W1U 6HL 0 51.519456 -0.15835
W1U 6HN 1 51.519664 -0.158442
W1U 6HP 2 51.519737 -0.158483
W1U 6HR 1 51.5198 -0.158509
W1U 6HS 0 51.519855 -0.158535
W1U 6HT 2 51.520262 -0.158706
W1U 6HU 0 51.520751 -0.158946