all postcodes in W1U / LONDON

find any address or company within the W1U postcode district

Postcode Area

W / West London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
W1U 6QZ 1 0 51.519291 -0.158126
W1U 6TJ 4 4 51.520554 -0.156536
W1U 6RB 7 0 51.519582 -0.156615
W1U 6RD 13 13 51.519639 -0.156814
W1U 6RE 1 1 51.519727 -0.156696
W1U 6RF 3 1 51.51979 -0.156707
W1U 6RG 2 2 51.51982 -0.156865
W1U 6RH 1 1 51.519947 -0.156946
W1U 6RJ 4 4 51.520116 -0.156853
W1U 6RL 1 0 51.520372 -0.157088
W1U 6RN 1 1 51.520543 -0.157153
W1U 6RQ 1 1 51.519947 -0.156946
W1U 6SG 7 7 51.521197 -0.15753
W1U 6RS 7 1 51.521296 -0.157555
W1U 6RU 1 0 51.521361 -0.157653
W1U 6RX 22 0 51.521629 -0.157541
W1U 6RY 1 0 51.521629 -0.157541
W1U 6RZ 1 0 51.521674 -0.157554
W1U 6SA 1 0 51.521719 -0.157567
W1U 6SB 1 0 51.521719 -0.157567