all postcodes in W1U / LONDON

find any address or company within the W1U postcode district

Postcode Area

W / West London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
W1U 6SD 1 0 51.5218 -0.157592
W1U 6SF 1 1 51.521865 -0.157593
W1U 6SH 2 2 51.521729 -0.157062
W1U 6TA 1 1 51.519943 -0.156154
W1U 6TB 1 1 51.519943 -0.156154
W1U 6TD 1 1 51.519943 -0.156154
W1U 6TE 1 0 51.519943 -0.156154
W1U 6TF 1 1 51.519943 -0.156154
W1U 6TG 1 0 51.520052 -0.156207
W1U 6TL 2 1 51.520716 -0.156587
W1U 6TN 2 2 51.520769 -0.156639
W1U 6TQ 2 2 51.520144 -0.156333
W1U 6TS 3 3 51.52122 -0.156693
W1U 6TT 4 4 51.521275 -0.156806
W1U 6TU 4 4 51.521331 -0.15689
W1U 6TW 4 1 51.52085 -0.15665
W1U 6TX 1 1 51.521411 -0.156829
W1U 6TY 2 2 51.521457 -0.156943
W1U 6TZ 1 1 51.521729 -0.157062
W1U 6UA 2 2 51.521729 -0.157062